Collaborative Doctoral Award with Hull Museums (2015-18)
Martha Cattell, 'Bone and Oil: The Long Nineteenth-Century Visual and Material Cultures of Whaling'
AHRC CDA with Hull Museums
Supervisors: Professor Jason Edwards (University of York)
Read about Martha's PhD experience, in her own words.
Martha co-curated the exhibition Refuse/Refuge at York Art Gallery (2018) and, in connection with the exhibition, participated in the York Festival of Ideas.
Martha co-curated the exhibition Turner and the Whale at Hull Maritime Museum (2017-18) and contributed to the exhibition catalogue. She co-organised and spoke at the Turner and the Whale symposium and gave a talk to the Arts Society Ebor.
Before her PhD, Martha held a studentship with the National Railway Museum for her MA at the University of York (2014-15).
Main image: The Northern Whale Fishery:The "Swan" and "Isabella", by John Ward of Hull, c.1840, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington. Image: public domain, courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington