York Museums Trust
The History of Art department at York enjoys a warm and fruitful relationship with York Museums Trust. We regularly collaborate with our neighbours and colleagues at York Art Gallery and the Yorkshire Museum.
Exhibitions – Views of York & Yorkshire (York Art Gallery, 2020) and Views of York (online)
Exhibition – Making a Masterpiece: Bouts and Beyond, 1450-2020 – York Art Gallery (2019)
Exhibition – Ruskin, Turner & the Storm Cloud (2019)
Exhibition – Refuse/Refuge – York Art Gallery (2018)
International Exhibition – Albert Moore: Of Beauty and Aesthetics (2016-17)
Exhibition - The Dark Self - York St Mary's (2017)
Exhibition - Flesh: Skin and Surface - York Art Gallery (2016-17)
Exhibition - William Etty: Art and Controversy - York Art Gallery (2011-12)
DMDA - Digital Museum of Dress Accessories
Exhibition Publication: Golden Age (2020)
Exhibition Catalogue - Ruskin, Turner and the Storm Cloud (2019)
Exhibition Booklet - Making Sense of Albert Moore (2017)
Exhibition Essay – The Dark Self ~ Susan Aldworth (2017)
Exhibition Catalogue: Flesh (2016)
Exhibition Catalogue - William Etty (2011)
Interactive Digital Catalogue - William Etty: Art and Controversy (2011)
Conferences, Workshops, Seminars etc
Public Lecture: York Art Gallery Artwork of the Month (2024)
Public Talk: York Art Gallery Artwork of the Month (2024)
Symposium - Ruskin, Turner & the Storm Cloud (2019)
Research Seminar - ‘A Monster of Beautiful Loathsomeness’: William Etty’s Sirens and Ulysses (2019)
Talk and Screening – Liquid Traces: The Left-to-Die Boat Case (2018)
Curator’s Talk to Friends of York Art Gallery – Refuse/Refuge (2018)
Conference – Rethinking Albert Moore (2017)
Albert Moore Lectures (2017)
York Festival of Ideas Event - Exploring the Dark Self (2017)
Symposium: William Etty (2011)
AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) studentship - John Flaxman: Art, Design and the Intermedial Body
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2023–24)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2022-23)
BA Curating and Art History – 2nd-year Placements (2021-22)
Collaborative Doctoral Award with York Art Gallery (2010-13)
Collaborative Doctoral Award with Yorkshire Museum (2010-13)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2020-21)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2019-20)
MA Studentship with York Castle Museum (2019-20)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2018-19)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2017-18)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2016-17)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2015-16)
MA Studentship with Yorkshire Museum (2015-16)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2014-15)
MA Studentship with Yorkshire Museum (2014-15)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2013-14)
MA Studentship with Yorkshire Museum (2013-14)
MA Studentship with Yorkshire Museum (2012-13)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2012-13)
MA Studentship with Yorkshire Museum (2011-12)
MA Studentship with York Art Gallery (2011-12)