Tate Catalogue Entry – Mrs Claude Johnson by Ambrose McEvoy (2018)
'Ambrose McEvoy: Mrs Claude Johnson (exhibited 1926)'
Online Catalogue entry written by Lydia Miller
Published on the Tate website, September 2018
Tate's catalogue description for the portrait Mrs Claude Johnson painted c. 1926 by Ambrose McEvoy (1877-1927), was written by History of Art PhD student and graduate teaching assistant Lydia Miller; it was published on the Tate website in September 2018. The painting was presented to Tate in 1926 by the sitter, in memory of her husband Claude Johnson (1864-1926) but was probably painted before the accredited year of 1926, as is indicated in the article: 'Mrs Claude Johnson has been dated c.1926 although it was almost certainly painted earlier, as no sittings are recorded for Mrs Johnson in McEvoy’s 1925 and 1926 diaries.' Read the full entry.
Lydia’s research focuses on the work of Ambrose McEvoy as a means to explore modernist group dynamics within a larger network of artists. She is supervised by Professor Elizabeth Prettejohn (University of York).
Main image: Detail of 'Tate Britain: Exterior View'; photo by 'zoer', reproduced under CC licence BY-NC 2.0, bit.ly/2KNifJC